
Calls for Papers

Calls for Papers and Participation in conferences, work groups, affiliate societies, edited volumes, and more. Common topics include eighteenth-century studies, digital humanities, women's and gender studies, transnationalism, empire, and race.

ASECS 2015: Calls for Papers (Due 15 September)

The Annual Meeting of American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) will be held March 19-21, 2015 in Los Angeles, California:

From the Official CFP: "Proposals for papers should be sent directly to the seminar chairs no later than 15 September 2014. Please include your telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. You should also let the session chair know of any audio-visual needs and special scheduling requests. We actively encourage presentations by younger and untenured scholars."

I'm involved in organizing three sessions this year:

“Women on the Wrong Side of History?” Co-Organizer with Nicole Wright (University of Colorado at Boulder).

Building on past scholarship in recovery projects featuring female authors, and drawing on work in postcolonial and subaltern studies, this panel seeks new approaches to research on women who may be perceived as falling on “the wrong side of history.” When we study contested sites of memory, such as the slave economies of the Atlantic or colonial South Asia, into whose histories are we intervening, and how do structural asymmetries continue to impede such negotiations, rendering common ground difficult to find? We seek a broad range of approaches, and welcome different formats and scholarly platforms (such as intersections with architecture, art history, historical musicology, history of science, law, digital humanities, network analysis, visual arts, music history, etc.).

This session shares the theme from the upcoming Special Session Dr. Wright and I organized for MLA 2015.

Email your submission to Women on the Wrong Side of History

“Beyond Orientalism: Consumer Agency and Producer Adaptation in Asia-Europe Exchanges” Co-Organizer with Samara Cahill (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). 

Due to early modern globalization, Chinoiserie, curry, Persian poetry, calicoes, and other "exotic" imports entered European markets, where they were adapted and imitated. In the eighteenth-century world of goods, how did the importation and/or representation of foreign goods reflect cultural exchanges that complicate our ideas of European-Asian relations? As Prasannan Parthasarathi and Brijraj Singh have recently observed (independently), much more research is needed on the reception of European imports in Asia: Europeans were not the only consumers. How were European imports (textile designs, music, painting, fashion) adapted within Asian contexts to suit local tastes? How did Asian technologies advance European industries? This panel is particularly interested in papers and projects that complicate conflations of a colonized East with passivity and imitation.

This panel is related the the Southeast Asian Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, an ISECS-affiliate.

Email your submission to Beyond Orientalism

“Queering Richardson,”  Richardson Society’s Traditional Panel. 

Amidst her fainting spells, Pamela’s verbal and epistolary self-representations frequently align her virtue with the moral and physical force of male figures. Clarissa, too, recognizes herself in terms of a masculine heroism, which scholars have tied to the construction of an androgyny that rejects gender essentialism. The possible virtues of polygamy found in Richardson's letters are mirrored in Sir Charles Grandison. Beyond homophobic caricatures like Pamela’s Mrs. Jewkes, how can we connect Richardson’s work and the responses it generated to histories of queer genders and sexualities? The Samuel Richardson Society invites proposals dealing with Richardson’s novels and other writing, as well as those focusing on readers and their responses; proposals dealing with sequels and parodies are encouraged.

Email your submission to Queering Richardson

Although I am not organizing it, I wanted to draw attention to other Richardson Society Panel.

“Richardson and Materialism” (Samuel Richardson Society) Richardson Society Seminar. Organizer Kate Parker (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse).

The Samuel Richardson Society invites papers dealing with any aspect of Richardson’s work from the perspective of eighteenth-century and/or new materialism. How, we will ask, did Richardson’s texts engage (New) science, empiricism, the body, desire, objects, agency, action? This open-access seminar will pre-circulate papers in the weeks leading up to the ASECS conference in Los Angeles. An invited respondent will open the seminar with remarks on the papers and engage the panel and audience in a workshop-style discussion. Papers (works-in-progress especially invited) will be requested by February 1st and should be no more than 15 pages in length. Graduate students and non-tenure track faculty particularly welcome.

Email your submission to Richardson and Materialism


Women's Caucus Panels for ASECS 2015

All other CFPs for this conference


Also remember, if you are a graduate student presenting at an ASECS-affiliated conference on a feminist, women's studies, gender or queer studies topic, consider submitting it to the Catharine Macaulay Prize.