Events: Workshops, Panels, and Talks
2014 - add title before each event, add conference panels organized and papers given (and invited talks) - then add in the Recent Events information
- Co-Organizer, Session Instructor (Brown University)
- #OpenAccess Week Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (October 2014)
- Editing, Translation, and Wikipedia: Workshop for AMST2020 Introduction to Interdisciplinary American Studies (November 2014)
- Session Organizer and Facilitator, Wikipedia, Hacktivism, and Pedagogy, THATCamp New England, Boston University
- Regional Co-Organizer (Boston and Providence), Session Instructor (Brown University), #WritingForWadewitz: Adrianne Wadewitz Memorial Wikipedia Write-In
- #OpenAccess Week Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (October 2014)
Sessions Organized, Conference Papers,
Invited Talks
Conference Panels and Papers
Conference Sessions Organized
Co-Organizer and Co-Chair
- ASECS 2015 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California
- “Women on the Wrong Side of History?” Co-Organizer with Nicole Wright (University of Colorado at Boulder).
- “Beyond Orientalism: Consumer Agency and Producer Adaptation in Asian Exchanges with Europe the Americas” Co-Organizer with Samara Cahill (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore).
- “Women on the Wrong Side of History?” Co-Organizer with Nicole Wright (University of Colorado at Boulder). Special Session for Modern Language Association, Vancouver, BC Canada.
- “Enlightenment Occlusions: Hidden Hybridity in European Literature and Culture” Co-Organizer with Samara Cahill (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). ASECS Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia.
- This one was of two co-sponsored panels of the Southeast Asian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. For more SASECS events, see its website.
Organizer and Chair
- “Queering Richardson's Novels and Their Readers,” Samuel Richardson Society: ASECS Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
- “Border-Crossing Roundtable: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Approaches to the Eighteenth Century” (Roundtable). ASECS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio.
- “The Image of the Harem” Session I and II. ASECS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC Canada.
- Basis for the edited volume, Images of the Harem forthcoming from the Don Juan Archive's Ottomania Series.
- “Transnational Connections: Looking at Eighteenth-Century Border Crossing.” ASECS Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- "The ‘Arabick Interest’ in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century England." ASECS Annual Meeting, Richmond, Virginia.
- "The Rights of Women and Orientalism." ASECS Annual Meeting, Richmond, Virginia.
- "Beverage Culture in the Eighteenth Century.” ASECS Annual Meeting, Richmond, Virginia.
- “Women and Nature: Labs, Land Reform and Labor.” ASECS Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Conference Presentations
- “From Calico Madams to Osnaburg-Shrouded Slaves: Textiles for Laboring Women, 1719- 1831.” Textiles and the Long Eighteenth Century Panel: ASECS Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
- "Eighteenth-Century Queer Vision(s)” Roundtable. ASECS Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
- “Authoring Self in the Slave Narratives of Olaudah Equiano and Mary Prince.” Print Culture and Dissent in the Long Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Panel (The Bibliographical Society of America): American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Annual Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia.
- “Beyond Zofloya: Dacre’s Gothic Appropriations. “Women and the Late Eighteenth-Century Gothic Panel (The Aphra Behn Society for Women in the Arts, 1660-1830): ASECS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio.
- “Feminine Vices: Labor, Consumption, and Fashion in Defoe.” Culture of Ornament and Dress Panel: ASECS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
- “Fabric of the Nation: Gender, Labor, and Textile Markets.” (Re)Presenting International PoliticsI Panel at International Studies Association (ISA), Northeast Conference, Providence, Rhode Island (2011); and at Trafficking and Migrant Labor: Feminist Approaches Panel: International Studies Association (ISA), San Diego, California.
- “Defoe’s Wandering Heroines: Textiles, Exoticism and Difference in Roxana and Moll Flanders.” Irony, Satire, Hoax, and Deeper Meaning: Defoe and His Contemporaries Panel (Daniel Defoe Society): ASECS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC Canada.
- “Feathered Ferocity: Violence and Fashion in Female Adventure Narratives.” ‘Rambling’ Women in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Panel: Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference, Buffalo, New York.
- “Re-Imagining Universalism in Rasselas.” Samuel Johnson and Colonialism Panel: ASECS Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- “Romance as Historiography in Work of Scudéry and Lafayette.” Histories/Histoires Panel: Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- “(Mis)Interpreting John Ferriar.” Eighteenth-Century Criticism Reconsidered Panel: ASECS Annual Conference, Richmond, Virginia.
- “Contradictions and Instability in the Text and Times of Olaudah Equiano.” Teaching Equiano Panel: ASECS Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
- This panel resulted in the volume, Teaching Olaudah Equiano's Narrative: Pedagogical Strategies and New Perspectives, and continues in my current work on slavery.
- "Killing the Angel in the Household: Matriarchal Alternatives in Charlotte Dacre’s The Libertine (1807).” Pacific Southwest Women’s Studies Association Conference, Los Angeles, California.
- “Debating 18th-c English Religious Identity Through the Hayy Ibn Yaqzan Translations.” Cultural Transfer through Translation Panel (German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies): ASECS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
- “Playing with History: Rewriting of National Identity, Islam and Colonial Culpability." ISA Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.
- “Denying the Self: Recognition and Objectification in Sartre's Réflexions sur la question juive.” Jean Paul Sartre Centennial Celebration, Santa Barbara, California.
Invited Lectures
- “Authoring Self in the Slave Narratives of Olaudah Equiano and Mary Prince.” Watts Program Rare Book Seminar, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University.
- “’A Mere Roxana’: Reinterpreting the Ottoman Court in Restoration and Eighteenth Century London.” Faculty Noon Time Talks, Colby College.
- “Pre/Post-Mass Media: Private News as Public Record.” “First Class” at First Year Orientation, Colby College.
- “Reading Austen/Jane Reading: Novel Narratives for Women.” Maine Chapter Spring Meeting of the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA).
- “Defoe’s Wandering Heroines: Textiles, Exoticism and Difference in Roxana and Moll Flanders.” The Humanities and Social Sciences Colloquium Series, Colby College.
- “Get Connected: Pre/Post-Mass Media.” “First Class” at First Year Orientation, Colby College.
- “Unstable Identities in the Texts and Times of Olaudah Equiano.” Introduction to Comparative Literature, San Diego State University.
- “Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (1611) and Ben Jonson's To Penshurst (1616).” Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660, University of California at San Diego (also in 2005).
- “Oroonoko in the Eighteenth Century: Stage Adaptations, Abolition and the Rise of Sentimentalism.” Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660-1832, University of California at San Diego.
Other CV Sections
- Co-Organizer: Campus Visit by Valarie Kaur with Lecture and Film Screenings of Divided We Fall: America in the Aftermath and preview of Oak Creek Shooting documentary (Colby College)
- Valarie appearing on MSNBC shortly after her visit, which sadly happened the day after the Boston Bombings. Many of the students are from the Boston area, and we were grateful for her poise, empathy, and strength. Her work on non-violent interfaith responses to post-9/11 hate crimes felt especially vital that day.
- National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Webinar: “What Can You Do With a Women's Studies Degree?” (Campus Organizer/Host)
- Homi K. Bhabha Roundtable Discussion (Moderator and Student Supervisor)
- Faculty Mumble: Weekly Faculty Social Hour (Faculty Liaison, 2012-2013)
- Faculty Research Roundtable: Monthly Faculty Discussion Group (Co-Founder and Coordinator,
- 2011-2013)
- English Tea: Monthly Faculty-Student Social Hour with Speakers (Co-Founder and Coordinator, 2011-2013)
- Judge, Healy Prize for Student Essays in Irish Studies (check year -12 or 11)
- Judge, The San Diego Student Shakespeare Festival, San Diego Shakespeare Society
- Judge, Roberta Borkat Essay Contest for Undergraduate and Graduate Work on the British Restoration and Eighteenth Century, English/Comparative Literature Department (San Diego State University) (2008, 2009)
- Dickens Universe, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), Graduate Student Representative for UCSD
- Local Organizer, Divided We Fall: America in the Aftermath (dir. Valarie Kaur) Film Screening and Dialogue, San Diego State University (SDSU)